Summer memories

Some snapshots from this summer. 

 He is so sweet.
I love this picture. Late night talks with the sisters. 
So thankful for this life-long friend/sister.

The gang ALL FOUR turned/are turning 20 this summer, so we dedicated a day to celebrate. Coffee, exploring, bowling, window shopping, and food. We are thinking that it needs to be a tradition, because what's not to love about all that?
Picnic in the park!

New Anthro mannequins. Ahem.
Sunday selfie. Cute friends!

My bestie came to town. Good times were had, as always. Love her to death.

We took a walk down to the river. I really like that memory.

And then sat on the couch and laughed at really ugly pictures of ourselves.

Pic from Josh.
I love this kid so much.

Adventures with Delaney Mara.

More sister time.
"I'm ready for church, Aunt Mille!"

My succulent, Terry. He's still alive!

The week of music camp, we enjoyed having our cousins, Abby and Sarah, stay with us.

Sarah is 100% Ramona from Ramona and Beezus. What a hoot.

My bud. (and new shoes. They make me happy.)

Our quartet had a summer concert in July. We prepared for months, and it went so well. I've always hated performing but I might be changing my tune. (No pun intended.)

Happy 'cause it's over, and kinda surprised by how well it went!

Dad and I went to an Us the Duo concert on the 1st of August. I've been listening to their music for years, and when I saw that they were coming to Nasvhille, I thought, "Heck. Life's too short to NOT go to this concert." So we went, and it was great. Sometimes it's fun to do something that you wouldn't normally do. We ate Puerto Rican food, stood in line for over an hour, almost got caught in a downpour, and just had fun together doing something different. 

We got good spots towards the front. So happyyyy. :)

Hot, crowded ballroom-turned-bar in the Gulch. He's a sport for going with me. 
Michael sandwiches are our favorite. 
Sunday night waffles. Less than two months until a new sister-in-law! So ready for that, not so ready for D leaving. :'(

I've fallen more and more in love with summer, and with Tennessee. I used to hate the humidity, to the point of not wanting to step foot outside, but now I can't get enough, and I'm desperately not wanting this hot season to end. 

Every drive I take has me thinking about how beautiful this place is. I keep thinking that I'll get used to it, but I can drive down the same road three times a week and always notice something new and lovely.


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