So alike yet so different
Chris - He's tenderhearted. One memory that always comes to mind is the time I had a stomach bug. I threw up in the living room and everyone else was too busy or too grossed out to clean it up. (I don't blame them!) But then Chris came over and cleaned up my mess. That's the kind of guy he is. He sees when you have a problem and he helps. He's always open to hugs, and gives even more of them than he receives. He has a great laugh, and is pretty hilarious himself. He can be a little snarky about things, which we try not to laugh at, but always do. He defends his siblings. He stands up for us. Even though he's been torn down and made fun of by people, he's nice to them and treats them well. Chris is the epitome of a perfect oldest child. Besides the normal qualifications such as being beyond smart and never messing up his clothes, he doesn't take advantage of being the oldest. He never bosses us around just because he can, but treats us with love and respect.
Daniel - Daniel is my other older brother. He's also a really caring guy. One character trait that he has always possessed is generosity. He gives so much of his time, money, and skills to help others. I can't even begin to list all the ways he's helped people. He doesn't do it hoping for payback or expecting a reward. He just does it because he's really thoughtful. Recently he's been reading Dave Ramsey books and is very interested in being financially wise. He can always make me laugh, even when I don't want to. He isn't a follower for the sake of being liked. He politely stands for his own beliefs and doesn't compromise or change just to please people. I know that if I need help, Daniel will always be there.
Caroline - Caroline is my one and only sister. Growing up, I thought she was so much younger than me, and because of this we could never be close, much less carry on a mature conversation. (What was I thinking?) She eventually grew up and has passed me in both height and skill. We marvel at her because she can do anything she sets her mind to. Play trombone? Easy. Make a profit selling things? Piece of cake. Teach herself guitar? Pul-eeaase. When she decides to do something, there's no stopping her. This determination has gotten her through a lot. She's had a tough time with her scoliosis, but always stays encouraged to fight the good fight. Like my brothers, she is hilarious. A combination of spunk, wit, and attitude, you never know what she'll say. But you can almost always guarantee that it'll be spirited and comical.
I always marvel at how different my siblings are, yet despite their differences, they're also really similar. While all three of them are hysterical, their senses of humor are quite diverse. All of them are caring and thoughtful, but these character traits manifest themselves in different ways. Each of them is talented, and these talents are as varied and different as can be.
These three are pretty great. I think I'll keep them.
Daniel - Daniel is my other older brother. He's also a really caring guy. One character trait that he has always possessed is generosity. He gives so much of his time, money, and skills to help others. I can't even begin to list all the ways he's helped people. He doesn't do it hoping for payback or expecting a reward. He just does it because he's really thoughtful. Recently he's been reading Dave Ramsey books and is very interested in being financially wise. He can always make me laugh, even when I don't want to. He isn't a follower for the sake of being liked. He politely stands for his own beliefs and doesn't compromise or change just to please people. I know that if I need help, Daniel will always be there.
Caroline - Caroline is my one and only sister. Growing up, I thought she was so much younger than me, and because of this we could never be close, much less carry on a mature conversation. (What was I thinking?) She eventually grew up and has passed me in both height and skill. We marvel at her because she can do anything she sets her mind to. Play trombone? Easy. Make a profit selling things? Piece of cake. Teach herself guitar? Pul-eeaase. When she decides to do something, there's no stopping her. This determination has gotten her through a lot. She's had a tough time with her scoliosis, but always stays encouraged to fight the good fight. Like my brothers, she is hilarious. A combination of spunk, wit, and attitude, you never know what she'll say. But you can almost always guarantee that it'll be spirited and comical.
I always marvel at how different my siblings are, yet despite their differences, they're also really similar. While all three of them are hysterical, their senses of humor are quite diverse. All of them are caring and thoughtful, but these character traits manifest themselves in different ways. Each of them is talented, and these talents are as varied and different as can be.
These three are pretty great. I think I'll keep them.