
     I'm going to take a moment to talk about something that is heavy on my heart. I say the following knowing that I need these words way, way more than anyone reading this.

     I no longer see through rose colored glasses. And I'm sad that I don't. I miss the days when friendship - simple, real friendship - was important to us all.

 The truth is that more interesting and more exciting people will come along in your life. But please, please don't ever put your other friends on the back burner. Don't get tired of them and think less of them than you used to. It's just not worth it. You might have a grand time for a while with your new friends, but one day you'll realize how wrong you were. You'll realize that you had some dang good friends, and whether you purposely meant to or not, you let them go. They might try to remain close and act like your relationship is the same as it's always been. But, eventually people get tired of being the only one to put effort into something. They'll stop sharing things with you, and before you know it, you won't even have anything to talk about together. Why? Because you've built a wall around yourself.

     Friendship takes effort. It means being open and honest, and admitting to having problems and maybe even needing help sometimes. It means being silly and being serious, and not being embarrassed when you're an ugly crier. It means being a good listener, comforter, and rubuker-in-love. I know that all of this is easier for some than others - I get it. But if you want close, caring friends, guess what? You have to be close and caring.

     Friendship is hard. Sometimes it's so hard that I'd rather just give up and call it quits. But don't all meaningful and important things take effort and perseverance? Being a good friend is a lot of work. It's worth it, though. Doing the right thing always is.

  "The crowning characteristic of love is always loyalty."


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