"Where sin runs deep, Your grace is more."

There has been pain, and hurt. Frustration, questions still unanswered, and unexpected turns of events at every crossway. 

Yet we march on. We grow up. We learn from mistakes, or sometimes we don't. We watch our friends make bad decisions, and make a few ourselves. We love them anyway. We go to church every Sunday, and take for granted the biggest gifts we have. 

I try so hard to be a good friend. Sometimes I succeed, but often I feel like I don't. Mom says she notices how I'm always nice. But I could be better. I've turned my head instead of looking at someone. I've waited for others to say the first word. I've judged so many. I've stayed hurt when there was forgiveness to be given.

And yet, God loves me. Despite my nastiness, He calls me to Him and listens. He answers. He works. He changes us. 

This is something I wrote in July, in a moment of marveling at where we are and where we're going. And it still rings true today.

"God is always doing 10,000 things in your life, and you may be aware of three of them." -John Piper


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