Sometimes, when a prayer so desperately needs to be answered yet the answer is nowhere in sight, maybe we should step back, realize that it's not what God wanted for us in the first place, and lay it to rest.

     I had my heart set on something for over 4 years. My parents and I prayed for it. And, I waited for it to happen. And waited. And waited some more. After years of thinking that it was destined to happen, just at an unknown time, one day I sat down and thought about how maybe I was presumptuously thinking that God was going to give me what I "needed," and all I needed to do was pray without ceasing and wait for "His will" to be done. And like a brick, it hit me that I was praying for something that I really, really wanted MYSELF to have. Yes, I needed it, but I had lived for 4 years without it! Was it that necessary?

     Though it was hard, I told God that I was content without it. I would not keep asking for it, keep dreaming of it. I would be happy with my lot, and not wish for something I clearly didn't need.

     Then something crazy happened. Just a few months after I had completely stopped wishing and wanting and crying and praying, I GOT IT. I got it! 

And then I realized. This is not the first time this has happened. One time I laid to rest the idea of ever getting an iPod touch. I just couldn't get one, and I would try to be happy with that. What happened? I got one the next day. Another time, a relationship was horrible and I was saddened by the realization that this person and I would just never be true friends. Shortly after, God brought us together.

I am in no way saying that if you really really want something, just tell God that you're happy without it and BOOM! He'll give it to you. I hope and pray that I will content with or without things I think I want or need.

But wow, y'all. How true it is that when we trust God with everything, He will always provide.


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