December 30th, 2023

Written on December 30th, 2023. Forgot to publish.

We've just washed all the sheets, vacuumed and mopped all the floors. There are containers of leftovers on every shelf of the fridge, and the tree still sits in the corner looking a little exposed and worn out. Tears were shed (especially by one grandmother and one six year old) as family drove away today. Signs from the last week are almost all gone, but at the risk of sounding too cliche - the memories won't be forgotten. I cherish the times we are together as a family since they've gotten rarer. I cherish my grandparents being with us as I know they won't be around forever. I prayed for joyful time together and health x17, and am thankful to say that those prayers were answered. We laughed, ate, laughed, ate, opened over 100 presents, laughed, and ate some more.  

I'm sad for this holiday season to end. I've had a few miserable holidays, which is yet another reason why I don't take good ones like this for granted. But I'm also excited for my third semester at WTS to begin soon - and it makes me realize that it's a lovely thing to enjoy all parts of your life, not just the ones with twinkle lights and Michael Buble in the background (though I have no problem admitting that those tend to be extra special). 

I don't get too excited for much. Maybe it's my personality, maybe it's because things tend to crash and burn in my world, or maybe it's just what happens after you've been an adult for a while. I don't know. While I don't feel excitement for the new year, I do know a calm contentment and thankfulness for what is and what will be. I know it will most likely be hard. I know things most likely will not go the way that I envision them. But I know that just as in times past, God will be with me in those times, working in and through them. 


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